3 Things I Wish I Knew Before My Fifties!
Seriously, This Is What I’d Tell My Younger Self About Navigating MyFifties!"
3 Things I Wish I Knew Before My Fifties
Everybody has at least one thing they wish they'd known earlier in life. To this day, I still can’t figure out why it takes us so long to learn these lessons. Maybe life just likes to keep us guessing? Who knows!
I can’t speak for anyone else, but I’ve decided to stop keeping a long checklist of “should’ve knowns.” Instead, I’m embracing the lessons I’ve learned and the freedom they bring. So here’s to three mundane yet life-changing things I wish I’d known before my fifties.
1. It's Okay to Lollygag
Seriously, nobody cares if I take a day off to climb a wall, binge my favorite show, or go on an adult Disney day trip.
I used to think that taking a day for myself meant I was leaving work undone or letting people down. But let’s be real—when I’m gone, who’s going to work my raggedy job? And who’s going to cater to those people who only call when they need something?
Lesson learned: Take that day to lollygag. Be stingy with your time. The people who get it will understand, and the ones who don’t? SO FREAKING WHAT.
Jobs are replaceable. And as for the needy folks? They’ll figure it out or find someone else to dump their (ISH) on. That may sound harsh, but it’s the truth—and it’s a pill I’m finally swallowing.
Here’s to healing and learning when to put yourself first.